We have a warm and vibrant Cheder, a little about which is below. Look at the Cheder photo’s in our picture gallery
Lessons take place from 10am to 12 noon the first, third and last Sunday during term time.
Should you wish your child to become Be’ni Mitzvah S/He must attend Cheder for a minimum of two years. Furthermore, they must attend all services for a minimum of 12 months and the family must be fully paid up members of the community. All children are periodically assessed prior to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah to ensure they are capable and of the standard required to enable the Bar/Bat Mitzvah to go ahead. Parents and children are kept fully informed if the child is not deemed ready. Please be aware that whilst all effort will be made on behalf of the Be’ni Mitzvah teacher to prepare your child for this big event, the ultimate responsibility remains with the child and parents.
Should your child have any special educational needs these will be discussed in confidence with the teacher and community leader, who are fully qualified teachers themselves. Any problems will be dealt with sympathetically and what is required of the child will be adapted to suit the individual child. Membership requirements and service attendance however remain constant.
The children will learn Hebrew, as well as Jewish history and stories from the Torah. Our youngest children will learn through play, songs and art activities, so dress for mess please!
Alongside the children’s class, there is a drop-in class and coffee morning for any interested adults. If you are not a member, you may attend two sessions before joining the Synagogue. We ask for a donation of £1.50 per adult for the morning to cover tea/coffee.
We take security seriously and operate a “lock in policy”. Once the children are on the premises no one who is unknown to an adult member will be allowed in except by prior arrangement where identification will be required.
For further information on our Cheder, including venue please use the CONTACT section in the website, or call: 01277 888610.