In order to become Bnei Mitzvah, members/parents/guardians must sign, and adhere to this contract.

1. Regular attendance at Cheder (three Sundays a month). For a child to become Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they must attend Cheder for a minimum of 3 years prior to Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Should a child not regularly attend cheder from the age of 10 at the latest, their B’nei Mitzvah will be delayed until the age of 14 or more depending on their attendance and an assessment of ability by the child’s Hebrew teacher.

2. Bar/Bat Mitzvah parshas will be allocated and taught by Tikvah Chadasha. Should additional support / lessons be required please discuss this with the Cheder Head Teacher. An additional cost for extra lessons may be charged by the person teaching the parsha. This will be a private arrangement and does not form part of this contract.

3. Attendance at monthly Shabbat services for a minimum of 2 years prior to B’nei Mitzvah is expected.

4. Prospective B’nei Mitzvah child will be expected to attend all festival services, including Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre. Whilst daytime services are expected, Erev RH and Kol Nidre will only be mandatory during the year leading up to the child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

5. At the B’nei Mitzvah service, parents / guardians of the child will be expected to provide a Kiddush including wine, grape juice and challah. The Kiddush will be at the parents’ discretion but a minimum of a cake Kiddush in addition to the wine etc. is expected. Parents / guardians to cover the full cost of the Kiddush. Please note that only Kosher. Unsupervised kosher or vegetarian food is acceptable.

Should this be considered a financial burden, please speak to the Chair or Treasurer.

6. Our regular hall in Brentwood seats 100 people at a maximum.

7. Members requiring an alternative hall will be accommodated as far as possible. Said members must arrange for the safe transportation of the Ark and reading desk to the hall of their choice. They must bear full financial responsibility for the transportation of the Ark, and the cost of the alternative hall.

8. Parents or guardians of the B’nei Mitzvah will be expected to be at the hall a minimum of 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to the service to help with setting up the hall, arranging chairs etc. Similarly, they will be expected to help at the end of the service with putting away chairs and tidying up the hall. Car Registration number of guests must be provided for security purposes.

9. It is customary, although of course not mandatory, for a donation to be made to the Shul on the occasion of a B’nei Mitzvah.

Should you be unable to meet the terms as set out, please contact the office as soon as possible, setting out the reasons the terms cannot be met.

Waiving of these terms will be at the sole discretion of the Officers at Tikvah Chadasha.

I/We agree to abide by the terms above as set out by Tikvah Chadasha

I/We understand that should these terms not be adhered to, Tikvah Chadasha will have the right to cancel the B’nei Mitzvah up to 8 weeks prior to the ceremony

I/We understand that any cost involved due to the cancellation of B’nei Mitzvah because of the contravention of the above terms must be borne by us and Tikvah Chadasha shall have no liability thereof

Date:_________________ Signature:___________________________________

Date:_________________ Signature:___________________________________

Signed by parents / guardians on behalf of B’nei Mitzvah