

We have a warm and vibrant Cheder, a little about which is below. 

Lessons take place from 4pm to 5pm the first, third and last Sunday during term time. If you are happy to do so, you would be added to a WhatsApp group in order to keep you informed in the event that timings need to change – this only happens rarely and always with prior notice.

We split the time so that the first half of the lesson is spent learning to read Hebrew and the second part of the lesson is spent on Jewish studies, such as learning about our festivals and learning stories from the Torah. We try to make lessons as enjoyable as possible, including activities such as baking, art work, creative writing, and games. Please don’t send your child in their best clothes!

Should your child have any special educational needs these will be discussed in confidence with the Cheder teachers, who are fully qualified teachers themselves. Any problems will be dealt with sympathetically and lessons will be adapted to suit the individual child. Membership requirements and service attendance however remain constant.

Should you wish your child to become B’nei Mitzvah, s/he must attend Cheder for a minimum of 3 years prior to the day. Should a child not regularly attend cheder from the age of 10 at the latest, their B’nei Mitzvah will be delayed until the age of 14 or more depending on their attendance and an assessment of ability by the child’s Hebrew teacher. It is also expected that our Cheder children regularly attend our Shabbat services. 

We take security seriously and operate a “lock in policy”. Once the children are on the premises no one who is unknown to the Cheder teachers will be allowed in except by prior arrangement where identification will be required.

For further information on our Cheder, including venue please use the CONTACT section on the website, or call: 01277 888610.