
On Rosh Hashanah this year 2024/5785, once again our excellent Shofar blower, Alon, did a sterling job. For the community at Brentwood, along no doubt with other Jewish communities across the globe, the blowing of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah is something we all look forward to, So many thanks to Alon for the practice he puts in and for year on year enabling us to listen to the significant sound of the Shofar.  

On Sunday 6th October, Brentwood Reform Synagogue, in conjunction with Christian Friends of Israel, held an event to mark  the pogrom carried out by Hamas in Israel, of 7th October 2023. The event, held in Brentwood, was very well attended. A short presentation was made by Steve Jaffe of MDA. The names of the hostages still held captive were read out by members of the community and members of CFI. As can be seen from the photos, there was a plethora of Israeli flags, demonstrating the attendees strong support of Israel. 

El Rachamim and Kaddish were recited by Rabbi Irit Shillor of Harlow. Rabbi David Hulbert and his wife Fiona were also in attendance.

The attendees enjoyed a plentiful kiddish with something for everyone. 


Tikvah Chadasha (a.k.a Brentwood Reform Synagogue, Rosh Tikvah, and Brentwood and Shenfield Synagogue), began as a small satellite group of Bet Tikvah in Newbury Park. Key members of the community had moved out to Brentwood in Essex and realised that there was something missing; a Jewish community!