Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP)

Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP)

Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) For The Purposes of School Admission

1. Any person who wishes to have their attendance recorded for the purposes of a CRP (The Attendee) must submit his/her and his/her child’s, full name, address and date of birth to the leader of the service as soon as possible but not later than 11.30am the day before the first Shabbat or festival that he/she wishes his/her attendance to be recorded.
2. The service leader will create a Register of attendance to be used for each service attended.
3. The Registration Officer, Janice Feldman, is responsible for the Register and will ensure attendances are properly recorded.
4. On Shabbat and Festivals the Attendee and his/her child must report in person to the RO on each occasion they attend synagogue, and may be asked to confirm their address and date of birth. The Register will be open on Shabbat between 10.30am and 11.15am.
5. For attendance at Jewish educational activities not on Shabbat or Yom Tov (e.g. Adult Education / Cheder), please report to either the RO, or if not available Cheder Head Teacher who will make the appropriate recorded which will be retained for future reference.
6. All records will be confidential, and will only be used to enable the authorised official to sign the CRP. The synagogue will contact you in connection with the promotion of its events.
7. A CRP will only be completed for individuals making their attendance known in accordance with the above procedure.

Natasha Radford Janice Feldman
Chair/ Lay Reader Registration Officer